Each year, Valley produces two full-length productions: a fall play and a spring musical. Opportunities exist for students to engage in acting, stage management, as well as technical crews. CAMP Crew students focus on Costumes, Advertising, Make-up, and Publicity. TECH Crew students engage in the set construction, lighting design, and sound design. Auditions are open to all; audition packets and crew sign-ups may be obtained by contacting Drama Director Aaron Westrum at westruma@wdmcs.org or find him in the drama room!
The Iowa High School Speech Association is home to over 25,000 Iowa students and several hundred right here at Valley! Large group categories include One-Act Play, Readers Theatre, Choral Reading, Short Film, Television News, Radio News, Ensemble Acting, Musical Theatre, Group Improvisation, Solo Mime, and Group Mime. Students audition for participation in up to two categories in November. Students perform for one judge at Districts. If a group receives a Division I (superior) rating, it moves to State competition where it is critiqued by three judges. Valley has a rich history of groups being nominated to perform at the Large Group All-State Festival in Ames. In addition, Valley holds the state record for the most Critic’s Choice as well as the E. Wayne Cooley Awards for having the most entries at the All-State Festival. Valley alum Samantha Melz is the head Large Group IHSSA Speech Coach and can be reached at melzs@wdmcs.org. Please join us!
Ms. Carol Engelmann is the Individual Events (IE) Speech Coach and can be contacted at engelmannc@wdmcs.org. The IHSSA IE Speech team students practice their public speaking skills through a variety of speaking styles. Students audition and are assigned a spot or two and then write/research/rehearse their performances each week before contests the end of February and first of March, with IE All-State at UNI at the end of March. Events include Public Address, Acting, Musical Theatre, Poetry, Prose, Literary Program, Original Oratory, Spontaneous Speaking, Expository Address, Storytelling, Improvisation, Reviewing, After Dinner Speaking, and Radio Newscasting.
Baker’s Dozen (BD) Mime Troupe is a student-produced group consisting of 13 mimers and additional tech support students. BD produce a fall as well as a spring show. Auditions are in October and are open to sophomores and juniors. Baker's Dozen is Valley’s oldest student-run activity group. Timothy Brown (a BD alum) serves as the group’s director. tim.brown500@msn.com
Drama also produces a spring improv show. Auditions occur in April with a culminating performance in conjunction with the A'Capella Reign group.